Título:Model Updationg of a Rotating Machine using the Self-Adpative Differential Evolution Algorithm.
Autores: CAVALINI JR, A. Ap.; LOBATO, F. S.; KOROISHIC, E. H.; STEFFEN JR, V. Revista:Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 1, 1-12, 2015. Resumo: Despite the good accuracy of finite element (FE) models to represent the dynamic behaviour of mechanical systems, practical applications show significant discrepancies between analytical predictions and experimental results, which are mostly due to uncertainties on the geometry configuration, imprecise material parameters and vague boundary conditions. Thereby, different approaches have been proposed to solve the inverse problems associated with the updating of FE models. Among them, the techniques based on minimization processes have shown to be some of the most promising ones. In this paper, a self-adaptive heuristic optimization method, namely the self-adaptive differential evolution (SADE), is evaluated. Differently from the canonical differential evolution (DE) algorithm, the SADE strategy is able to update dynamically the required parameters such as population size, crossover parameter and perturbation rate. This is done by considering a defined convergence rate on the evolution process of the algorithm in order to reduce the number of evaluations of the objective function. For illustration purposes, the SADE strategy is applied to the solution of typical mathematical functions. Additionally, the strategy is equally used to update the FE model of a rotating machine composed by a horizontal flexible shaft, two rigid discs and two unsymmetrical bearings. For comparison purposes, the canonical DE is also used. The results indicate that the SADE algorithm is a recommended technique for dealing with this kind of inverse problem. Acessar a Publicação. Voltar para a seção Revistas. |